Workplace Investigations

Workplace complaints trigger a requirement on the part of employers to conduct thorough and defensible investigation and require management to assess the risks associated with the complaint.

You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers – and trained workplace investigators.

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    We assist public and private organizations of all sizes and would be pleased to provide you with more information about how we can support you with both traditional workplace investigations as well as other aspects of workplace dispute resolution. Let us put our expertise to work for you.

Workplace Assessment and Reviews

    These types of proactive and strategic processes can have a very positive effect by assisting you in gauging the temperature of your workplace and culture and enabling you to uncover and get ahead of conflicts or issues before they escalate.

Investigation Support

    Sometimes we do not drive the investigation but rather lend our expertise to in-house workplace investigators, credentialed investigators or legal counsel requiring assistance in investigation facilitation.

    From providing general supervision and oversight to assisting with specific tasks, such as developing an investigation plan or assessing evidence, our overarching goal in this supporting role is to help ensure that investigations are properly conducted and legally defensible.

Workplace Investigations

    At some point, most employers will face a workplace incident.

    A fair and reasonable investigation must be conducted before you decide on a course of action.

    We are regularly retained to conduct workplace investigations. We are committed to providing unbiased, timely, legally sound investigations and, if requested, well-articulated and practical recommendations.

Quality Audits

    Our experience reviewing the investigative reports of regulatory bodies has provided us with the experience and knowledge to identify flawed investigations.

    This unique skillset has earned us a reputation as “unflinching scrutinizers” and can be employed to ensure that an investigation can hold up to scrutiny if brought to a tribunal or court.

Mediations & Arbitrations

    Mediations and arbitrations can be used to resolve disputes prior to, during or following a workplace investigation.

    While each have distinct roles and are separate processes, they do complement one another.

    Our skilled mediators and arbitrators are available to step into either role when an informal or negotiated compromise to a challenging workplace issue cannot be achieved.

Policies & Procedures

    While it is always good practice to keep your workplace policies and procedures up to date – with the advent of the pandemic and the increased focus on anti-racism and harassment, it is more important than ever. Now is the time to conduct a thoughtful and complete review.

    Based on our regulatory work, we are well versed in creating and revising workplace policies and procedures

Practice Group Partners

Kimberly J. Jakeman, KC* Partner
Rose Keith, KC* Partner
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Get in touch with our workplace investigations team.